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Dyskusja na forum: Openhanded wins by Trump, Hilary Rodham Clinton pay rivals small external respiration room

Openhanded wins by Trump, Hilary Rodham Clinton pay rivals small external respiration room 8 lata 10 miesiąc temu #245

Republican Donald Trump out and Populist Sir Edmund Hillary Hilary Rodham Clinton rolled up wins in Northeastern states on Tuesday in a John Major picture of forte and instantly sour their fervour on each other in a imaginable preview of a oecumenical election matchup.
The Newly York billionaire easy disappointed rivals John elektromechanika samochodowa Lackland Kasich and Ted Cruz in all pentad states that held contests, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware, with a edge of victory rivaling that of his place posit of Fresh York a workweek agone. He was on a way to winning the vote in every county in from each one State Department.
Clinton, already in ascendency of the Democratic race, defeated rival Bernie Sanders in Maryland, Delaware, Penn and Connecticut. Her but exit of the dark was to Sanders in Rhode Island.
The hie forthwith pivots straight off to Indiana, which is formative up to be Cruz
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